Clayton Hall Academy, Clayton Lane, Newcastle, Staffordshire. ST5 3DN
Part of Windsor Academy Trust

Pupil Premium

PPG provides funding for two policies:

  • Raising the attainment of disadvantaged pupils of all abilities to reach their potential
  • Supporting children and young people with parents in the regular armed forces

Pupil Premium Expenditure Review: 2024-2024

Ever 6 Free School Meals (FSM)

The pupil premium will include pupils recorded in the January 2020 school census who are known to have been eligible for FSM since May 2012, as well as those first known to be eligible at January 2020.

Children adopted from care or who have left care

The pupil premium for 2019 to 2020 will include pupils who were looked after by an English or Welsh local authority immediately before being adopted, or who left local authority care on a special guardianship order or child arrangements order.

Ever 6 service child

A pupil eligible for the service child premium since the January 2013 census as well as those recorded as a service child for the first time on the January 2020 school census.

The Government believes that the Pupil Premium is the best way to address the current underlying inequalities between children eligible for FSM and their wealthier peers by ensuring that funding to tackle disadvantage reaches the pupils who need it most.

Whilst it is for schools to decide how the Pupil Premium is spent, they remain accountable for how they have used the additional funding to support pupils from low-income families. Schools are required to publish online information as to how the Premium has been spent. 

Who benefits from the Pupil Premium?

All pupil premium students benefit from the work currently being developed under the Academy’s Teaching and Learning strategy:  Achievement for all: a closing the gap project.