Clayton Hall Academy, Clayton Lane, Newcastle, Staffordshire. ST5 3DN
Part of Windsor Academy Trust


To read our Safeguarding policy, please see our Key Policies and Statements page.

Our Safeguarding Team

At Clayton Hall Academy, safeguarding is everyone’s responsibility, all of our staff have received enhanced Safeguarding Training; attend bi-weekly Contextual Safeguarding Briefings; and receive regular updates through our Child Protection Online Management System (CPOMS)

We also have a dedicated Safeguarding Team of experienced and specially trained staff.

Designated Safeguarding Lead

Deputy Designated Safeguarding Leads

Nominated Safeguarding Governor

Head of Safeguarding at Windsor Academy Trust

Local Authority Safeguarding Contact

Viki Hulme (

If you have a safeguarding concern regarding a young person at Clayton Hall Academy you can email a member of our Safeguarding Team.

You can also contact

Staffordshire Children’s Advice and Support (SCAS)
For children living in Staffordshire

  • Telephone No: 0300 111 8007 (Lines open 8.30am - 5.00pm Mon to Thu/8.30am- 4.30pm Fri)
  • 0345 604 2886 Emergency Duty Service (Out of Hours)
  • Email:

Children’s Advice and Duty Service (CHaD)
For children living in Stoke on Trent

  • Telephone No: 01782 235100 (Lines open 8.30am - 6pm Monday to Friday)
  • 01782 234234 Emergency Duty Team (Out of Hours)

If a child is at immediate risk of danger contact Police on 999.

Notice of Concern (NOC)

All staff are required to report any causes for concern to Safeguarding Team, using CPOMS (Child Protection Online Management System) and in person for immediate issues.

Parents/Carers will be contacted at the earliest point possible and updated with concern and progress of investigation.


Absence and lateness is recorded by the Attendance Team. Reasons are sought for all absences and lateness and ongoing concerns are referred to the Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL).

Parents/Carers can access ClassCharts to monitor their child’s attendance and punctuality and will be notified of attendance concerns at the earliest possible point.

Support for Families/Multi Agency Working Parents and Carers Guide to Safeguarding

Clayton Hall Academy works collaboratively with external agencies within the local safeguarding children's partnership to ensure that:

  • children are safeguarded and their welfare promoted
  • partner organisations and agencies collaborate, share and co-own the vision for how to achieve improved outcomes for vulnerable children
  • organisations and agencies challenge appropriately and hold one another to account effectively
  • there is early identification and analysis of new safeguarding issues and emerging threats
  • learning is promoted and embedded in a way that local services for children and families can become more reflective and implement changes to practice
  • information is shared effectively to facilitate more accurate and timely decision making for children and families

At Clayton Hall Academy we actively work with families to secure positive outcomes for both children and families.

Parents and Carers Guide to Safeguarding

Useful Links and Resources

Further advice and support is available at:

E-Safety (Keeping children safe online)